Monday, September 18, 2006

You a Yoga Teacher: Why Yoga?

Why Try Yoga?

Being a yoga teacher may not seem so appealing if we just read the words. You’re probably thinking, “It’s not much. What’s so good about it?”

Why yoga? What can yoga possibly do for us? You won’t doubt this old practice once you get to know the health and fitness benefits it can give!

1. First of all, it relieves us from stress! Practicing yoga decreases the effects that stress and anxiety can give to our body. Relaxation in yoga helps lower the levels of cortisol, the stress hormone. This will eventually lead to decreased possibilities of heart diseases and low blood pressure. It also improves digestion and boost up our immune system.

2. It also relieves pain! Practicing the asanas or postures and meditation, helps reduce pain for those who have cancer, multiple sclerosis, hypertension, as well as arthritis, back and neck pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and many more. There are even some yoga practitioners who say that emotional pain can also be relieved with yoga.

3. Yoga also teaches us proper breathing. The point is in breathing slow and deep. This helps improve our lung function, and it helps our body relax and increase our supply of energy.

4. Yoga also promotes flexibility! Mobility is an added benefit to this. By practicing yoga, we can move more and with less pain and aches. A simple example is touching your toes. You can’t do it now. But once you practice it in a yoga pose, you will and you will do it without the pain in the back you felt when you first tried to touch your toes.

5. Your strength will also increase through yoga. The asanas or postures use every muscle in the body. Through this process, yoga is able to increase our physical strength. Plus, it also relieves muscular tension!

6. You also get to manage your weight with yoga! As said earlier, yoga reduces the cortisol levels. It also burns down excess calories and reduces stress. Yoga also promotes healthy eating habits, a sense of well-being, and self-esteem.

7. Yoga also helps with the circulation in our body, which will efficiently guide oxygenated blood to our blood cells.

8. Yoga also has cardiovascular benefits. It lowers our heart rate, increases our endurance, and improves our oxygen intake during exercises.

9. Yoga also helps with our body alignment, which will give us a better body posture and helping us relieve ourselves from back, neck, and muscle pains.

10. Yoga also has the power of meditation, which will allow us to be more aware of the present and help create our body health. This will help us improve our coordination, reaction time, and memory.

Basing on these reasons, how could you not want to be a yoga teacher? For one, you’ll be able to take care of your body. And with this, you also get to help others with their ailments and stress problems.

Being a yoga teacher isn’t just about teaching. It’s also about making a difference in other people’s lives. Because in teaching and guiding them, they will also become aware of themselves and strive to be better people in and out.


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